What a Day!

As I’m waking up starting my day and walking into the living room I see a few really dark areas on the couch. I quickly turn on the light to examine the areas. Three dinner plate size bloody areas. I frantically start looking for Tony, our 13 year old dog. I call him Puppy. He’s still my baby. He’s not in his man-cave bed, not in our recliners. I quickly open the back door to look for him fully expecting the worst and trying to prepare myself for it. He comes bee bopping around the deck and up the steps to greet me like nothing’s wrong. Oh thank goodness! Whew! I feel relieved.

Shortly after Arnie gets up to start his day, we start getting the VRs ready for the company expected later. While he’s updating his I started checking my emails. It’s been a few days. Back story: I applied for a rural carrier USPS job a week ago. I kept checking my emails and the job listings and they posted that same job again. So, I immediately thought “I’m not in the running.” and stopped checking my emails. I had an email from the days I didn’t check, every day. I thought “Oh man! Well crap!” I had to wait for my husband to be done with the laptop so I could do what the email instructed me to do. It did say I had 24 hours to respond (2 days ago). I went ahead and did it anyway. You never know!

You know, I was just having one of “those” days. Have you ever had a day where it seemed like you couldn’t do anything right? That’s exactly how I was starting to feel. It felt like things were starting to snowball too. It started when I seen that same job posted again. And then when I picked the wrong paint for the touch-up my husband was doing on the birthday board. I would have expected that from the color-blind guy, but noooo it was all me! #repurposedclosetdoor

As I’m doing that, going through the instructions on the out-sourced company’s website that is checking my application information, Arnie is trying out his VR and I see Tony walking around gushing blood from his rear-end. I thought “Oh no!”. Tony went outside after making a few circles around Arnie in the living room. I’m having to yell to get Arnie’s attention to what just happened. With that much blood I thought he’s going to bleed out if we can’t get this to stop. Arnie was able to get it to stop while I was on the phone with the vet. The rest of the day went uneventful. Saturday night Tony started going down hill. I didn’t know it until Sunday morning when he wasn’t eating, drinking, going outside, especially not greeting me for some lovings. There were still treats in his dish from the night prior.

After Arnie got up to start his day, Tony got worse. He started shaking all over. I mistakingly thought he was having seizures, but later realized he was in really bad pain. We took him to an animal ER and they did X-rays. They hydrated him and gave him antibiotics and pain meds. We already had an appointment with our regular vet the next day (Monday). We get home and Tony is drunk and loopy from the pain meds. Monday comes and Tony seems a little better. He took a little drink. Our vet did say we’re probably looking at the end for Tony. He has an enlarged prostate which will make it even harder for him to poop with the ever growing tumors he has on his rear-end. Surgery is no longer an option.

In the mean time, we are taking it day by day. He’s getting extra lovings, more treats and way more pettings. Both vets call him “old man”. I still call him Puppy. He’s my child that doesn’t need a babysitter.

At the same time, my issues started flarring up and getting worse. But that’s a story for another time.