The Change

I’ve been menstrual bleeding for four weeks, three weeks heavy. I’m thinking I’m entering the change as we call it. Other than it having a name, it’s not really talked about. I don’t know much about it. Thanks for Google I know more now, but still. My husband was concerned two weeks prior wanting me to go to the Dr. I responded with it’s probably the change.

Sunday after taking Tony to animal ER and waiting on him to be released I’m noticing an increase of how often I’m having to change something. This continued through Monday as well. I went to work Tuesday morning and had to go to the bathroom in a mad dash shortly after starting work. At that point I’m starting to change things every hour and clots the size of my fist. To me, a non-medical person, is worrisome. I tell my boss I need to leave to go to the ER.

I make it to the ER and have to have urine sample, blood work, ultrasound and a “down there” ultrasound. Which by the way, my husband wouldn’t do for me. LOL. I’m not anemic. My iron level is 14.? My blood sugar was 100 at that moment which I thought was really good considering I had breakfast a couple of hours prior. This one nurse was shocked and kept being shocked with my blood pressure being so good everytime she checked it. She kept commenting on it. I made the comment that my blood pressure will probably stay good even when I’m dead. LOL Something was said about my heart rate being 57 by the ER Dr. I responded that my average resting heart rate is 64. I guess that eased his little concern. I was finally discharged after getting a shot in the bum.

Dr. Gibbons’s office got me in on a cancellation same day. She biopsied my uterus lining and we’re waiting the results to see if it’s cancerous. She’s not at all concerned about the two fibroids on my uterus nor about the cysts on my ovaries. ER Dr said I was full of fibroids, said nothing about the cysts. To us it sounded scary. But from how Dr. Gibbons talked it’s common/normal. The game plan is taking hormone for ten days to stop the bleeding. She’s hoping to do it chemically. If it doesn’t work, then I’m to let them know. Then it’ll probably require a D&C to be done. So far, I’ve got two days of hormone pills in me, still bleeding but seems like a normal manageable amount. I was put on birth control until I could get the procedure sheduled.

To be continued…

Today, 14th of April 2021, two days post-op and doing good. A few things happened in surgery: Endometrial Ablation, D&C, she looked around. She put me on Oxy for pain management. I’m not sure if they gave me pain meds while still under but when I woke the first thing I remember the nurse saying to me is that I have a very high tolerance for pain. My response was I need to pee. Lol. I recall the time being 4pm. They said I couldn’t have another Ibuprofen until 11pm (every 6 hours). And they gave me an Oxy at 4:30pm (every 4hrs after that). That’s the first pill I remember taking. I didn’t feel pain but I’ve heard it’s better to stay on top of it. I started prolong taking Oxy yesterday morning once and then stopped taking Oxy all together at 2:30pm yesterday. I have a follow-up appointment the 29th. So far so good. I guess it might take a few months to see if this helped. Fingers crossed that it does because I’m not ready for a hysterectomy (spelling?).

I can’t give enough thumbs up for Dr Gibbons. For her great work, her patience with me when I’m not understanding what she’s telling me.

As of 31 December 2023, everything is good. I haven’t had anymore periods, so no more issues. The ablation did it’s job.